




Our experimental platform is the bedrock for empowering human pursuits in the vastness of space.

At DigitalBlast, we're not just dreaming of space exploration. We're developing experimental equipment for Project NOAH, a life cycle maintenance system on the lunar surface. This technology can potentially revolutionize how we sustain human life beyond Earth.
Leveraging the knowledge and expertise gained from past space business ventures and research and development, we aim to expand the opportunities to commercialize space business by developing new businesses and ecosystems.


The International Space Station's history of activities demonstrates that orbit, free from gravity's constraints, enables efficient and high-quality research on materials and pharmaceuticals, creating bio-printed organs, optical fiber cables, and semiconductor manufacturing. New scientific exploration and technological innovation possibilities are unlocked in this unique environment, where natural convection and sedimentation are absent.
DigitalBlast provides an orbital R&D/manufacturing platform that enables research and development, material development, pharmaceutical discovery, and manufacturing in low Earth orbit.
We are also developing/promoting terraforming projects to create environments (terraforming) on the moon and Mars where humans can live, anticipating an era when humanity's activities expand into space.

DigitalBlast's Vision of Future

Our experimental platform is the bedrock for empowering human pursuits in the vastness of space.

At DigitalBlast, we're not just dreaming of space exploration. We're developing experimental equipment for Project NOAH, a life cycle maintenance system on the lunar surface. This technology can potentially revolutionize how we sustain human life beyond Earth.
Leveraging the knowledge and expertise gained from past space business ventures and research and development, we aim to expand the opportunities to commercialize space business by developing new businesses and ecosystems.


Establish a “Space Manufacturing Factory” and a space economic zone.

Our company is committed to advancing low Earth orbit as a research, development, and manufacturing hub, leveraging the unique microgravity conditions. We aim to translate this orbital technology to terrestrial applications for societal benefit and extend it to extraterrestrial bodies such as the moon and Mars for further exploration and utilization.


  • Technology transfer to the ground (Spin-Off), utilization of LEO manufactured products, and social implementation (e.g., space moss in polar regions, greening, etc.)

Low Earth Orbit

  • R&D and manufacturing under microgravity conditions (retrieval satellites) (e.g., pharmaceuticals, plant research, manufacturing, etc.)
  • R&D and manufacturing under microgravity conditions on the station (e.g., constraints, plant research, manufacturing, etc.)
  • The re-entry capsule: To expedite the delivery of experimental samples and manufactured materials, such as pharmaceuticals and semiconductors, from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to the surface.

Mars & Moon

  • Deployment of LEO-originated technology to planets (e.g., utilization of space moss for Mars terraforming, etc.)


Developing technologies for "terraforming" and applying them to Mars and Earth.

DigitalBlast is concentrating on the resilience of moss in extreme conditions and is collaborating with academic institutions to conduct further research. By understanding the ecology of moss and how it reacts to gravity, we aim to facilitate terraforming on Mars and contribute to Earth's greening initiatives in the future.


Initiatives to leverage the International Space Station (ISS) for business development and establishing foundations for post-ISS operations.

We are engaged in advancing business development by utilizing experimental equipment within the ISS/Japanese Experiment Module and providing support for conceptual studies of next-generation ISS modules, which are anticipated to succeed the International Space Station (ISS) following its planned decommissioning in 2030.

Partnership with the American company AxiomSpace.

We have entered into an agreement with Axiom Space, a U.S. firm designated as an "ISS National Lab" partner, for the deployment, orbital management, and retrieval of experimental modules for moss cultivation studies on the ISS utilizing DigitalBlast's compact life science experimental equipment “AMAZ."

*In the United States, the ISS is recognized as a National Lab, and a non-governmental organization manages its operations. The private sector is also involved in operations by allowing private companies to manage the user interface

Industry-Academic Institutions Collaboration.

In our quest to commercialize the space industry, we proactively engage with academic institutions. Our focus is mainly on the development and progression of life sciences within space environments, which is critical for sustaining human life and activities beyond Earth.

  • Initiatives focused on the practical implementation of research into plant mechanisms and genome analysis in a Mars-like environment, as well as the terraforming initiative.
  • Studies on applying space resources in publicly operated space stations as part of a social collaboration program.
  • Advancement and assistance in developing genome analysis experimental equipment aboard the space station.